Unraveling the Debate: Squats vs. Hip Thrusts for Glute Growth

The perennial debate in the fitness community - squats versus hip thrusts for optimal glute growth - recently received fresh attention with a study conducted by none other than Bret Contrease, renowned as "The Glute Guy." The results, however, might not be as straightforward as they seem.

Contrease's study, conducted over nine weeks, aimed to settle the long-standing dispute by comparing the glute growth produced by squats and hip thrusts. Surprisingly, the findings revealed that both exercises resulted in exactly the same amount of glute development. Does this mean that hip thrusts are on par with the legendary squats? Let's dive into the study's nuances before drawing conclusions.

One critical aspect of the study is the participant demographic - 35 individuals with no prior strength training experience. The simplicity of hip thrusts makes them easy for beginners to grasp, allowing participants to execute near-perfect movements within a matter of weeks. Squats, in contrast, are a more complex movement, demanding balance and bracing skills that take months, if not longer, to perfect. The intriguing aspect here is that the study measured glute growth, even when participants may have been squatting with less-than-ideal technique.

Another point of consideration is the equating of volume in both groups. While participants performed up to 6 sets of their prescribed exercise by the study's end, the load wasn't specified. It's reasonable to assume that, due to the failure-based approach, the hip thrust group might have been moving heavier loads than the squat group. Additionally, the breakdown in squat form might have occurred before reaching muscular failure.

Despite the prevailing belief that this study solidifies hip thrusts as the reigning champion in glute growth, it's essential to dissect its limitations. Squats, even with potential subpar execution, demonstrated equivalent glute growth. This leaves us to ponder what the outcome might have been with flawless squat technique.

In conclusion, the squats vs. hip thrusts debate continues, and while this study may seem like a win for hip thrusts, a closer examination reveals that squats, with all their complexities, hold their ground quite favorably in the pursuit of optimal glute development. Imagine the potential when executed with precision! As the fitness community grapples with these findings, the quest for the perfect glute-building exercise remains an ongoing journey.


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